Houston County, Tennessee
Houston County Events Calendar
Houston County, cradled in the heart of Tennessee’s natural wonder and beauty, is bordered by the Tennessee River, about 45 minutes from either I-40 or I-24. Lime kilns built in the 1870’s remain today and can be seen throughout the county.
Join us the third week in March for the annual Irish Celebration, the biggest Irish fest this side of Chicago with beauty contests, a carnival, fish fry, parade 5K and fun runs. Visit anytime but be prepared to be overcome by the mystique and magic of our beauty and friendliness.
ERIN, a charming county seat, has many unique shops including antiques and an old-fashioned flea market. A two-mile walking trail and city park are located in the downtown area. Several restaurants and bed & breakfast lodging are also found downtown. The Southernaire Marina and Danville Boat Dock are open on the Tennessee River.
For more information on Houston County, contact:
Houston County Area Chamber of Commerce
Court Square
PO Box 603
Erin, TN 37061
Email: houstoncochamber@gmail.com